well be and my boyfriend have been together for 4 months and school went out a week ago.. and he's only called me once since we've been out.. I'm crazy about him. but when we are on the phone i get the feeling like he doesn't care about me. and I'm tired of always picking up the pieces like always having to call him.. what should i do? should we end it?15 year old girl who needs guy advice please help?
Do you sometimes wonder why everyone is looking at you at a party. It's because you're the only one with s hit on you're face.15 year old girl who needs guy advice please help?
dear dont listen to any of the guys because they could not tell you what to do because they have not been through this situation. i on the other hand have been in this situation and it was a horrible feeling. (1) whatever you do you should not try to be something your not, that does not help the situation. (2) dont let him push you into anything you dont want to do such as lust. (3) if he is acting distant just ask him about it. (4) just remember that if you two do break up it will only be because he has not matured enough to be ready for this relationship. (5) try a diffrent approach to this relationship, mabe asking him what he is feeling. (6) try hinting that you want this relationship to work out and you would like to see him more. (7) ask him to call you for a change. (8) hang out as just friends for a day or so to actually get to know eachother. (9) talk about the stuff he wants to talk about. (10) just have a fun time when he's around you, if your relationship isn't going where you'd like it to go just be happy that you still have that relationship. well i hope these work out for you and i really hope everything will work out for you and him.
Well, ask yourself why you're crazy about him. Is it because...
If it's because of one of the first two, then end your relationship. If it's the last, then ask yourself...
Does he only act like he likes me around his friends? If this is true, FRICKIN DUMP HIM, GIRL!
Is he just plain horrible at starting conversations? If he is, then you're just a little too worried.
Is he one of those guys that only goes out with girls to be seen going out with girls, do you know what i mean??? Once again, dump him if it's a yes.
I can't tell you anything for sure, but i hope that this helped!
I truely think that you should end it. Your still young and younger guys like to mess around and have freedom so he might not be into the whole committment thing especially being that it is summer. I have been in very similar situation and i liked him so much that i ignored the warning signs like the ones your describing and he just ended up breaking up with me. Hope everything works out for you :]
If he is too lazy or too disinterested to even call you often during the time you have been out of school, then that should be the sign for you to end it. Either he'll just say ok and then you'll know he didn't really care, or maybe he'll change. Either way, you should just tell him.
End it honey..... it sounds like what happened to my best friend and she was crying her head off when HE ended it with her-- i mean you shouldn't have to guess if someone still likes you, if there looks like there is something wrong then 99.9% of the time there is..... call him, then dump him.
Well what you really should do is tell him you want to meet up with him somewhere private, and talk to him about it, and if he as an attitude about you should just be like ';if you don't want to be with me just say so'; if he doesn't just let him go.
hey darl, I know what your goin thru...
Get some stubborn streak in u. I recommend u make him put effort in.
if your always the one calling him, wait till he calls u. Try making him jelous... but a bit of fear in him that he could lose u. If he makes not change or does not recognise he could lose u, i think u should break up wit him. Find someone who makes an effort and appreciates ur time .
And do the person who advised her to put out... GO **** URSELF.
Dont lower urself to sex. You deserve someone who will love and appreciate u for the person u are not ur body n the sex u could give.
it sounds like something else could be on his mind, ask him if everything is okay, he might have some sort of family problems or something. Next time why don't you call him and organise to go out somewhere for a fun day? hope it works out!
I would talk to him about it. Just call him and talk to him about it in a serious tone. Don't freak him out but just let your attitude tell him that you want to fix this. Couples have problems, you just have to communicate
Bring the problem out to him. Tell him how you feel. How the hell is he suppose to know that you feel like he doesn't care on the phone. Don't end it so soon. Your relationship might have potential.
yea id say so you're 15, at that age you should try and find someone who truly cherishes you and respects you. i guess that holds true for any age...
He sounds way to preoccupied with his other stuff, your not a priority right now end it
no dont end it call him tell him how u feel that he just dosnt care about you and that ur tired of it see how he responds n work from there
May just want to hang out with mates till school is back.
he doesnt sound interested...end it
have you put out if not, then i suggest that you do or he'll lose interest
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