i feel SO bad!
im seeing this guy..like were not actually dating serious or whatever and i slept with someone else last night.
he slept with someone else to but that was like 3 weeks ago and now we've become closer.
but we're not a 'couple'
should i feel bad??Omg!! should i feel bad?? any advice from guys or girls!!!!??!?!?
you both are cheap sl uts - god help you when you settled down in many years to comeOmg!! should i feel bad?? any advice from guys or girls!!!!??!?!?
If you are going to feel bad about anything, feel bad about casual promiscuity.
No, you shouldn't feel bad because you're not in an exclusive relationship. However, I think that you should work on being with just one person, not sleeping around. Believe me, your heart will get involved even when you think it's just for sex, and then it hurts a lot when the guy doesn't feel the same. Reserve sex for when you know someone well and you're exclusive, and it will feel a whole lot better.
unless you haven't enjoyed it !!
yes you could of blown before you even started to be a couple.
in young age when am doing somthing wrong ? then after i feel its bad but in our mind some days after i can repeat the bad item again thats the nature dont thinking about this matter.
every bad work like be good but after passing time i know its big mistake i think? anyway enjoy ur life
hell you only live once knock yer self out and enjoy x kitti x
no! if your both sleeping with others then it don't matter!
lol wow i was in same situation not too long ago, only the guy i slept with was my ex, and we were doing the friends with benefits thing for a while before i started seeing my new guy. we werent real serious so i thought it was ok. i felt a lil guilty since i like this new guy, but i did it anyways. now me and new guy are serious so i quit sleepin with my ex. feel bad only if u do feel bad. if u dont feel bad then nothings wrong!
no you shouldnt feel bad about it because if your not really a couple then its ok to sleep with other different people.......
No, you shouldn't feel so bad.
You are feeling sorry for yourself. You have unwarranted feelings of jealousy. Honestly, you are making yourself feel more upset than you need to be.
no because he's not your boyfriend
you are not a couple and both of you have slept with other people.
what exactly do you feel bad about?
don't stress, its done now, personally i wouldn't tell guy no.1. as your not in a relationship and you do not want to spoil anything that may be developing
no u shudnt...u say even he has slept with sumone else....just tell him if he has n prob...dont fuss abt it...u werent cheatin or anythin coz ur not in any serious relation with him yet!!
have a chill pill...relax
all the best
well your not a steady i went thru the samething and know weve been married 7 years .
you have said what you have done and whats happend - yet not why feel bad - just that you do.
what you seem to be suggesting there is that you are acting as tho your in exclusive relationship and thats why you feel bad.
if so then your in the wrong kind of relationship and need to talk to him or change where you are.
To me it sounds like you're ';seeing'; him, in which case, you are allowed to do things with other people.
About your question.....you can't be told how you should feel, because people have their own feeling to situations
Awh hon, why are you going to feel bad if your only seeing him. Seeing dont really mean anything if your boyfriend and girlfriend then you should feel bad. You aint done anything wrong. Some people see loads of people at the same time and sleep with them all. Hes probs done the same thing at one point along the line, so you can talk to him about it and try and make him understand or you can just leave it. Because you really have done nothing wrong.
Only if ';you'; feel what you did was wrong.
If there's no type of commitment between the 2 of you, then you really don't have anything to feel bad about.
Not saying that he's going to look at it that way.
So maybe now is a good time to talk to him and find out exactly where your relationship lies.
no you shouldn't feel bad bcos your not a couple %26amp; he doesnt own you..if he's done this as wel it just makes it even
If you aren't together, you did nothing wrong.... but you might want to discuss the intentions of the relationship... so you are both on the same level.
you both are bad as each other and yes you should feel guilty at the fact that you have no respect for yourself!
Well, since you are just dating and it sounds like to me that the relationship is open you shouldn't feel bad. If you feel that you two are becoming closer then perhaps sleeping with other people should be off limits at least on your end. This non serious relationship could be starting into something more. Talk with him about his intentions and how you stand with him in the relationship. This would help ease any confusion between the two of you.
not really but he may feel like you've been leading him on. Do you really wanna be with this guy? if you do then dont be sleeping with anyone else, if you dont want to be with him then do the kind thing and tell him.
that depends on whether you got an orgasm or not.
do you wanna be a couple? you both need to discuss! %26amp; if the answers yes stop sleeping around %26amp; get checked out @ your local GUM clinic
if your not a couple then you shouldnt feel bad, tell him what you did and he will understand
hope this helps
No..Did he feel bad when he did it?..Closer or not closer..There is no commitment between you too..You're just ';dating';..so what you do is your business..And when dating unless it's made exclusive you can see %26amp; hang with whoever you'd like..%26amp; why are you guys even sharing that info out of curiousity??
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